Monday, February 9, 2009


My first week home from the hospital was spent establishing a routine for my meals and medication. That took all of my time and energy.

Last week I turned my attention to preparing for my next session of chemo. I had a lot of help at home, which I greatly appreciate. I got the food under better control, especially after Meals on Wheels delivered ten frozen meals on Friday. (I still prefer my own cooking.) I began to accomplish things not related to food and drugs, but much less than I hoped. I also made progress regaining my strength, although stamina is still an issue.

And I lost most of my hair.

I am scheduled to start my next cycle of chemo on Wednesday, February 11. I'll stay at Banner Good Sam overnight, barring complications. When I return home I will be under the most strict limitations, as the drugs destroy my immune system and leave me vulnerable to infection. I don't know how long that will last.

Since I haven't been through a cycle of outpatient chemo, I have a lot of unanswered questions.

"Heavenly Father knows what I need, and He knows when I need it."

That belief got me through my hospitalization. It got me through anxiety about managing at home. It got me through worries about how to pay for this cycle of chemo. I'll be okay.

Life is good.

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