I've changed my profile/avatar again. That is me, teaching correct principles of nutrition and whole foods cooking, whether in person at Cooking For Life classes, or through my work online at http://www.sparkpeople.com/.
The Cancer Project, which offers Cooking For Life classes nationwide, is recruiting instructors. The applicants who are chosen will be flown to Washington, D.C., for two days of instruction. All equipment necessary to teach the course will be provided. The cost of food used during the course will be reimbursed. The pay isn't much, but they only require a one year commitment, and one, eight week, course per year!!!
At the moment there's only one instructor in the Phoenix metro area, for nearly four million people. He has encouraged me to apply. He thinks I would do a good job, and he would welcome having a backup instructor available.
I would do a good job -- on the days I feel well. I'm concerned about making a commitment to being someplace every week for eight weeks. I'm also concerned about the physical demands. You have to drag your stuff into and out of whatever venue is hosting the class each week. (Ingredients, prep tools, wok, blender, plates, bowls, cups, foods prepared in advance, manuals, etc.)
The application deadline is April 1, so I have some time to decide.
Part of the application package is a five minute video of me giving a cooking lesson. I may do one while my sister is here next week, just to be prepared. It's not a problem. When I was selling Tupperware I taped a cooking demo for a contest. The only person under the same distributor who beat me was my manager, who became a distributor herself before she even got to compete at Nationals. (For which she beat me out.) I would just need to borrow a video camera.
The Cancer Project, which offers Cooking For Life classes nationwide, is recruiting instructors. The applicants who are chosen will be flown to Washington, D.C., for two days of instruction. All equipment necessary to teach the course will be provided. The cost of food used during the course will be reimbursed. The pay isn't much, but they only require a one year commitment, and one, eight week, course per year!!!
At the moment there's only one instructor in the Phoenix metro area, for nearly four million people. He has encouraged me to apply. He thinks I would do a good job, and he would welcome having a backup instructor available.
I would do a good job -- on the days I feel well. I'm concerned about making a commitment to being someplace every week for eight weeks. I'm also concerned about the physical demands. You have to drag your stuff into and out of whatever venue is hosting the class each week. (Ingredients, prep tools, wok, blender, plates, bowls, cups, foods prepared in advance, manuals, etc.)
The application deadline is April 1, so I have some time to decide.
Part of the application package is a five minute video of me giving a cooking lesson. I may do one while my sister is here next week, just to be prepared. It's not a problem. When I was selling Tupperware I taped a cooking demo for a contest. The only person under the same distributor who beat me was my manager, who became a distributor herself before she even got to compete at Nationals. (For which she beat me out.) I would just need to borrow a video camera.