Friday, September 7, 2007

Report from the oncology appointment

Have I mentioned that I really like my oncologist?

I had my camera with me today, and was able to get photos of two staff members who didn't help me last month. They came out well.

When the doctor came into the room she knew that Marie was my sister. I explained that I had changed my appointment in order to allow Marie to meet her, and that Marie would be reporting back to our other sister. The doctor started from scratch, explaining the disease, what my status is and why we made the treatment choices we did. She gave us each an opportunity to ask questions. She repeated her support and encouragement for the complementary therapies I'm pursuing.

The objective results were exactly what I expected. The lab work was a little worse, but not much. The lymph nodes in my neck were a little more swollen, but not much.

The increase was small enough that the doctor still considers my condition stable. If it's still stable when I see her next month I'll "graduate" to seeing her every three months.

All in all, a very positive visit.

1 comment:

~*~Dani~*~ said...

That is good to hear. I like your oncologist, too: sounds like a wonderful person! Keeping you in my prayers, doll! {{GENTLE BIG HUGS}} ~Dani