Monday, September 24, 2007

Job's Teeth

Does the Bible say anything about Job's teeth?

In many respects the last few years just haven't gone very well for me. Lots of good things have happened, and I've made new friends and been led to some great resources, but -- honestly -- I'd rather not have needed an oncologist, or a physiatrist, or The Wellness Community.

Today was another mixed day. I've been horribly tired -- still! -- and seriously considered staying home from my Mindfulness class. I went anyway, and I'm glad I did. As I left I saw a poster for another local resource for cancer patients that seems perfect for me. (

Then I came home and broke a tooth. It had already been drilled and filled until just a shell was left, and now the front half is gone. I do not currently have a dentist, and a root canal and crown are not in the budget. At least it doesn't hurt. Yet.

While my sister was here I mentioned to a friend that I seemed to be experiencing a series of plagues. I was thinking Pharaoh; she was thinking Job.

Was there any mention of Job's teeth?

1 comment:

~*~Dani~*~ said...

I was getting really worried about you and all you are dealing with now. I am glad you were up to posting and catching us up on how you are. I don't know if this will help, but here is a link about dental help in AZ:

You are in my thoughts and prayers, Angel-Lady!!!!! I love you!

