Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's not looking good for photographing the eclipse.

There's a total lunar eclipse this evening. In Arizona it starts in just about one hour.

Although the forecast called for clouds, there were beautifully clear skies for the last few hours. The operative word is "were."

When the sky cleared I charged my camera batteries and lay down for a little while.

I was really looking forward to photographing this event, but the sky is getting darker by the minute, and it's not due solely to the rotation of the earth. I just checked the satellite map, and it doesn't look promising.

I shot the last eclipse, in August 2007, but I went out at the last minute. I lacked both the skills and the preparation to get the shots I wanted. I was looking at tonight as an opportunity for a "do-over."

I guess not. As I've written this the cloud cover has become nearly complete.

I admit, though, that I'm tired. I have a batch of broth simmering on the stove and laundry needing to be switched to the dryer. Staying home might be best.

Update, 7:17 pm: The forecast has been modified to rain with a possibility of thunder. I think I'll stay indoors!

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