Friday, August 22, 2008


This entry is from an email I sent to a local friend. It pretty well covers everything.
I'm home. My apartment is still trashed, and I'm ok with it.

My bedroom and bathroom are ok. The kitchen and computer area are useable. The dining room furniture is still upside down in the office and the living room/guest room...(shudder!)

Now that the remodel is done, and I no longer have a deadline looming, I need to devote attention to areas of my life that I have been neglecting. It's working well for me, other than the Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. Literally. There's nowhere to sit.

Time and distance have helped me get perspective on putting things away in the kitchen. Instead of whining that the place that (fill in the blank) belongs is no longer there, I'm asking myself, "How often do I use this? Where do I use this? Where could it live?" Little by little....

And I'm getting rest. Lots of rest. Which I need.

I'm home for a little less than four weeks, then back to NY for two.

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