Friday, November 2, 2007

So much for the SSA No Call list.

Anyone receiving Social Security disability benefits is subject to periodic medical review. The time between reviews generally ranges between 18 months and three years, depending on whether improvement is expected. A very small percentage of recipients are exempt from future reviews.

The last time I was reviewed the process itself was traumatic. The questions made me realize how much I had withdrawn from social contacts, how much community service I had given up, how much of my life, in general, I had lost. I finally had to ask a friend to help me complete the forms.

I felt tremendous relief when I received the determination. The agency had decided that I was still disabled, and that I was, in fact, disabled enough to be exempt from future medical reviews.

I was therefore surprised to find in my mail today a notice requesting my input for a medical review.

Oh, well. They didn't know about the leukemia, anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds the same as our system here which Bob has to go through. The process of re-claiming is a constant round of "what can't you do?" type questions which just depress him more! At least it's a chance to tell them about the Leukemia, though!