Saturday, February 21, 2009

More new experiences...

Ok, maybe I wasn't whining, since three hours later I was on my way to the ER. I'd never been to Tempe St. Luke's before.

While there they drew blood. The doctor wanted to either admit me and start a transfusion or transport me to Good Sam; I said I'd let my oncologist make the call. I faxed her the lab results and that afternoon I was back in Phoenix having more blood drawn for a type and cross-match for the transfusion I had yesterday.

And today the problem that sent me to the ER in the first place is back.

I am greatly blessed. I have friends that I can call at 3:45am. I have friends who have helped me at home, and with rides, prayers and good wishes. I'm thinking more clearly since the transfusion.

There's a downside to that. Now that my brain is working I see things I want to get done and can't, due to the other issues.

Heavenly Father knows what I need and He knows when I need it. The day before I went to the ER my friend had said to me, "Now, you call me if you need anything, even if it's at night." And when I did call, she had been awake for about a minute, even though she didn't need to get up that early.

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