Sunday, February 15, 2009

No one said it would be easy. (whine)

The fever broke about 9:30 Saturday night.

I've spent two days with a respiratory infection, not really sleeping, not really awake, trying to force clear liquids.

A friend came over, did damage control in the kitchen, made me Jello and will bring soup tomorrow.

I've decided that the anemia is not as bad as I thought it was on Friday. I may still get blood drawn on Monday instead of waiting for Thursday.

Marie: It wouldn't have been a lot different if you were here. Other than emptying the dishwasher, which is what kept me from putting the new dishes in the dishwasher, there's not much you could have done other than watch me sleep and worry about me.

As soon as I finish this batch of liquids it's back to bed.

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