Saturday, July 21, 2007

Leukemia is inconvenient

Leukemia is inconvenient. And I'm not even that sick, yet.

It's more important than ever to eat well, but I have no appetite. Most of the time I don't feel like eating, much less cooking or cleaning up. Then I get too hungry, and drink my calories instead of eating them. Sometimes Kool ade(sp?), or a Sonic Cherry Limeade, are all that sound good.

And my body thermostat's not working. And I get night sweats.

In this context I've decided that some purchases that would previously have been indulgences are now appropriate to support my wellness efforts.

I've purchased a second mattress pad, so that when I have night sweats I don't have to strip the bed down to the vinyl, wash the pad, wash the vinyl, dry them both and remake the bed before I can lie down again.

For the same reason I'm considering buying another nightgown. (100% cotton!)

I'm creating a Spring room / healing room. I've already replaced the light bulbs with full spectrum bulbs, and it changed the tone of the room completely. I'm aggressively decluttering, although in the short term things seem worse instead of better. I want to purchase a tabletop fountain, both for the sound of rain and to increase the humidity. I've acquired a plush, comfy, ladies-sized recliner and moved it to that room.

I'm trying to determine what I can do to facilitate eating better. I found a screaming good deal on a George Foreman-type grill, with removable, dishwasher-safe grids. I haven't taken it out of the box, though, because I may return it. I'm not sure it will provide the most improvement for the money spent. I'd like to get a bigger rice cooker, so that I can make one pot meals instead of just plain rice. While I'm at it I'd like one with a delayed-start feature. And a porridge cycle. My friends at love the results they get with their whole grain hot cereal.

I'd like to get another fan. My previous apartment in this complex had three ceiling fans in four rooms; it simply didn't occur to me to check for them when I viewed this apartment. It has just one, and I don't spend that much time at the dining table! I have two table fans, plus one small clip-on fan dedicated to keeping my laptop happy. I would like a fan in the Spring room without dragging it back and forth from the bedroom.

Google, which hosts, as a wishlist facility. So I created one. It's on my profile.

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