Saturday, July 28, 2007


And, no, this has nothing to do with alcohol!

I've known for a very long time that intemperance is my biggest weakness. Well, one of the top three.

Whatever I do, I do completely, then I stop. Completely.

When I read, I read not a chapter but a book. It is almost impossible for me to put a book down before I finish. I've been known to read 1000 page trilogies in one sitting. If a novel is part of a series I tend to read those back-to-back, as well.

When I worked as a software developer this was an asset. When I was troubleshooting I would stick with a problem until either I solved it, or I identified the cause in enough detail for someone else to recreate the problem and fix it.

In life, in general, intemperance is not an asset, as I was reminded while listening to Alma's instructions to Shiblon.

It doesn't mix too well with leukemia, either. When I'm engaged in something, whether housework, running errands or reading, I want to finish a block of work. I want to do all my errands to the east, for example, or in Phoenix. I want to finish the dishes, or the dusting, or cleaning the bathroom.

Then I spend the next day -- or more -- in bed.

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