Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm sick.

And cranky.

I've been fighting a sinus infection since last week. The last two days I've felt sufficiently un-well that I sucked on zinc lozenges and got extra rest. Apparently that wasn't enough. I woke up this morning feeling distinctly ill, with a stuffy head, body aches, earaches and a spot on my pharynx that was red, swollen and sore.

Unfortunately, my office is still torn up, I have a mystery shop due today and the clean dishes have been in the dishwasher for days.

But...I am still thrilled with having my home theater accessible, and I can now watch TV and use the Internet at the same time. (I had to add a cable outlet.)

I've been drowning my symptoms in fruit juice. My throat feels better. My materials are printed for the mystery shop this afternoon.

I am going to start a stack of CDs playing and go back to bed.

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