Sunday, May 11, 2008

Nearly Headless Nick does not make a good fan.

My fan broke! The only one with a floor stand!

Actually, the fan is fine, the stand is what broke. I heard an odd noise and when I looked, the fan part was tipped over, like Nearly Headless Nick with his head on his shoulder.

[This is my newest fan. I bought it less than a year ago, after my diagnosis. I've been very careful to always move it by the upright post, and to make sure nothing would interfere with the oscillation.]

I could fix it if I had a medical pin, the kind used to set a femur, for example. Lacking that, can anyone suggest a way to add little wings to a dowel or bolt?

The bolt connecting the fan to the stand broke. It was hollow, so I could stick a dowel through both pieces, but it's open at the bottom, so without little wings to support it at the joint, the dowel would fall right out.

There's no point replacing it until I know how many ceiling fans will be added during the makeover, and where they will be placed.

For now I'll move the table fan from the living room to my office. It isn't as big, but I'll get by.

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