Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's not broken...

but it sure looks and feels awful.

Early on May 14 I was packing and dressing at the same time, before leaving at 4:00 am for New York. I caught the little toe of one foot on a laundry basket. I knew immediately that it was serious, but so is a non-refundable ticket, so I put my socks and shoes on and left. I spent the next 18 hours traveling, without benefit of Rest, Ice, Compression or Elevation. I honestly believed it was broken.

It wasn't, but I spent the next few days barely able to touch it, much less walk on it. First the entire toe turned black, except where it was very deep red, then the pooled blood started spreading across the base of my other toes. Now it's swollen and a little pink. Still sore, but nowhere near what it was.

Update, 6/11/08: Actually, it is broken. It healed to the point I described above and then stopped improving. When I returned to Phoenix I saw my doctor and she ordered an X-ray. I got the results today.

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