Saturday, August 25, 2007

The aftermath...

I'm tired, stiff and sore today, and my right wrist and left upper arm are particularly unhappy, enough to interfere with my computer use. Also with flipping the dishwasher, taking out the recycling and pretty much everything else on my To Do list.

I guess it's going to be kind of a retreat day: read, study, pray, listen to good music. I put the Christmas music in last week.

And, maybe, write. I can use my headset and voice recognition software for that more easily than for navigating the web.

But, overall, I'm fine. Really. I'm 0kay. It's nothing that time and rest won't heal.

1 comment:

~*~Dani~*~ said...

Thank goodness you are ok! I have heard that usually a few days or even weeks later it is when you really 'feel' it from an accident. . .please take care of yourself and don't put off seeing a doctor if more aches and pains show up. We love you!!!!! {{HUGS}} ~Dani