Thursday, January 1, 2009

A new day. A new year. A new life.

So yesterday didn't go as I would have liked. Last year did not go as I would have liked.

It's a new year.

Having met some goals and missed some deadlines, I don't need to focus on projects that are no longer urgent. I can work on them without giving them priority, without letting them crowd out other goals that are ultimately more important, but were previously less urgent.

Wellness is job one. I never consciously or deliberately assigned it a lower priority, things just kept...happening.

Rest, meditation, clean food, light exercise, sunshine, good music, funny movies...these are back at the top of the list.

The other projects won't matter much if I don't live to finish them.

Second priority goes to reclaiming my home and creating an environment that will still work for me if my health deteriorates sharply, as my doctor expects.


Anonymous said...

how can you write a so cool blog,i am watting your new post in the future!

H said...

I had a sister once tell me that life was always full of new beginnings. New year, new month, new week, new day, new hour, new minute... there is always something to look forward to and a chance to start over. You miss something or mess up, try again the next time. And the next time can be immediately if you want it to be.